Six poetic, sonic experiences on the six forests of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown in the Dublin mountains, Ireland: Carrickgollogan, Barnaslingan, Tibradden, Kilmashogue, Ticknock, Ballyedmonduff. Commissioned by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council and supported by Coillte and Dublin Mountains Partnership for the Nature and Place, Temporary Projects Commission. Link to press release.
Sky Walkers conjures mysterious and fantastical vignettes based on the landscape; with historical, mythical, scientific and futuristic allusions.
Take a journey to the six locations, in person or in the imagination. Best experienced in an immersive setting with good headphones or sound medium. To listen on location where there is intermittent mobile signal, store offline on your mobile phone by using the Vimeo app. Alternatively, you can download the tracks to your laptop or desktop from Vimeo by following the link to the showcase. Or scroll down to watch below!
Or scroll down to watch below!
[Mobile phones with auto-lock switched on may affect how the videos play on this page. Please change your settings or simply toggle to awaken your screen if this happens, or view on Vimeo.]Site coordinates: 53°14’21.1″N 6°14’42.4″W
Site coordinates: 53°14’19.3″N 6°16’49.4″W
Site coordinates: 53°13’01.1″N 6°09’27.3″W
Site coordinates: 53°14’52.5″N 6°14’18.5″W
Listen below to an interview on The Green Room on Dublin City FM, broadcast March 25th 2024. With thanks to broadcaster and environmentalist Megan Best for her interest in the project.
Launch at Carrickgollogan Forest, Dublin, 1.30PM to 2.30PM, March 23, 2024. Download flyer: